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Jennifer Tollefsrud


My name is Jennifer Tollefsrud and I am a licensed massage and bodywork therapist in North Carolina, and I have owned and operated my own massage therapy clinic in Clayton, NC since January 2016. I am also a multi medium artist. I work in all types of mediums including photography. I have been married to my best friend since July 1993 and we have two of the smartest, kindest, most beautiful children to walk this planet. 

Those of you who know me or have been to see me in my office are aware that my chronic pain journey began when I was hit by a car crossing the street at 12 years of age. I was fortunate enough to escape that incident with out any broken bones, but the damage to my muscles and nervous system is a disfunction that I live with daily since 1984. It has been agreed upon by my various doctors, that the accident from my childhood is the catalyst that began my autoimmune spiral.

I was not diagnosed with autoimmune illnesses till I was in my 30’s but the signs began appearing after being hit by the car. I developed eczema rashes at the age of 13. My environmental allergies became worse the older I got. I had repeated bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia, along with asthma and intense migraines. 

Life moved on as I coped with my intense allergies and everything that goes with it. I finally got allergy testing when I was in my late 20’s. I tested positive for every environmental allergen they tested for, including every type of tree in the state of North Carolina! I was positive for multiple food allergies as well. This is when I began to realize that what I was eating had a lot to do with my illnesses.

Over the years I have had major improvements and devastating set backs. I am frequently frustrated by my body and my immune system and often feel like my life is a long series of “can’t” and “have to”. I have struggled with “high functioning severe depression” as a result of this for many years.

I’m not cured, so far, there is no cure for my autoimmune illness, but I have more good days than bad days now. I also have so many special people in my life that motivate me to get out of bed and try again every day. I am so blessed by the people in my life that love and support me. 

This website will highlight all of my art work and latest pieces available to purchase. My art is a way I can put my feelings into words that I have trouble verbalizing. Each piece is very meaningful me. I hope you enjoy my art as much as I enjoy making it.

Welcome to my journey.

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